Time will never change, we are!
We are lost in this big world, we have no patience, we have no ending of unexplored desire reside in us, we are unstable, always in a journey of finding something which is not yours, but you desire that, that is only yours forever. In life let it go what does not hold, and hold what it does not go..life is so simple and complicated at the same time, passion or love? It is what it is, that’s all, those who we love so much we should not be late to tell, or wait for it just go with the time. Uncertainty is the world so we are, when ever we are stuck or not exploring, we have to know that we need a break to know ourself, we are nothing at the same time we are everything,
Memories are the living being resides within us, and it will eventually die with us, love makes people fool and idiots, and mindless. There are thousands feelings of bubbles floating in side mind and just waiting to release and you are new again, it is never to late to restart your life remember that, i know you are not happy, one day you are not able to do it, what you are doing right now, so collect best memories in the journey of life, and at old age you will laugh remembering your old days. Watch your words while speaking, it will make you your history. Everything has two sides, make sure to choose right side, someone knows how we are feeling, listening to our words, and laugh to be with us forever, and love with full heart. Time will never change, we are!
It is like unique fish deep inside ocean roaming all alone.
It is like a old tree, which has been taken over by forest plants and has never touched.
It is like eagle, flying all alone above the cloud on the sky.
It is like unused home, where family has moved away for it and covered with jungle plants all over, make home like a hidden inside it.
It is like silent sea, with feeling on it on every wave flow.
It is like dark night with cold breeze air and feeling like alone.
It is like losing ourself in the thoughts of memories.